
Present day accounting is far complex and different from traditional accounting. With the advent of regime where complex accounting standards have been made mandatory, the accounting has become a science of maintaining accounts and compiling financial statements. AS-3 cash Flow Statements, AS-11 Foreign exchange rates, AS-15 Accounting of retirement benefits AS-17 segment Reporting, AS-22 Accounting of Taxes, AS-26 accounting of intangible assets, AS-28 Impairment of assets are few of the complex accounting standards to be complied with by the entities. It has become imperative for business organizations to seek professional advice on complying with accounting principles, standards and guidance notes. Our services include:

  • Drafting of Accounting Manual & Policies in adherence to the International Accounting Standards or the accounting standards prescribed under the law of the land.
  • Accounting Standards - Opinion and compliance.
  • Monitoring and maintenance of accounts.
  • Compilation of periodical and Annual financial statements.
  • Preparation & Compilation of Annual Financial statements as required under the law.
We are specialists in the area of providing comprehensive income tax services to individuals and businesses. We provide complete tax support and consultancy services in the areas covering the following :
  • Income Tax
  • Corporate Tax
  • Withholding Tax
  • TDS
  • Fringe Benefit Tax
  • Dividend Distribution Tax
  • Wealth Tax
  • Tax Planning
  • Taxation Of Foreign Enterprises
  • Taxation Of Non Residents
  • Indirect Tax
  • Service Tax
  • VAT
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